Zoe's 1st Birthday
Zoe recently completed a huge milestone: taking her first trip around the sun!
As a way to celebrate and commemorate the day I thought I'd list out some of Zoe's favorite things from this last year.
Story time.
Taking a stroll with me before dinner
...and going for a bike ride.
Posing for a camera.
A good hat.
Playing keyboard with her feet.
Her stacking cups.
Her ottoman fort.
Waiting by the window to wave at the cars and neighbors passing by.
Taking our temperature.
Chasing Luigi.
Getting into mischief at the pediatricians.
Opening the garage door.
Making funny faces for a laugh.
Playing with toy cars
...and going for a joyride herself.
Making new friends.
Wearing breakfast
...and trying on a lunch goatee.
Making an escape.
Destroying mom's puzzle.
The guy I have dubbed 'Mower Man' who mows the HOA owned land behind our house—Zoe will wait for him and wave as he does laps.
...and by extension bath time.
Taking selfies.
Going through a good tunnel.
Running her hands through sand.
Tasting everything.
Beach vacations.
Being sweet.
Her mom
...and I desperately hope me.